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Icy road conditions causes Interstate shutdown
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By Deputy Chief Kyle Stull
February 8, 2025

Just before 18:00 (6:00 PM) on February 8th, Rescue Engine 4, Paramedic 45, Chief 4A, Engine 131, and Paramedic 35 were alerted to respond to Interstate 70 east bound in the area of Route 97 for a vehicle off the road into the woods.

While en route, units began encountering vehicles off the road on both sides of the interstate. Rescue Engine 4 arrived on location at 70 EB, just east of the 97 overpass and found a single vehicle down the embankment into the woods. Paramedic 35 came up on additional cars off the road on 70 WB, west of the 97 overpass and requested a blocking unit to their side. Tower 3 was en route to a separate incident and diverted to provide a blocking unit for them. Chief 4A established the I-70 command.

As units operated, multiple accidents occurred around fire units on the scene and the decision was made to shut the interstate down, both east and west in the area of the bridge over Route 97. With the assistance of Maryland State Highways- CHART, Tower 3, and Engine 82, the interstate was closed. All units evaluated any patients and found everything to be property damage only.

Units maintained the road closure for approximately an hour and a half while SHA was able to get extra salt trucks out to salt the overpasses and surrounding roads to make them safer for travelers.

Carroll County Rescue 1 was also alerted to assist, however Howard began receiving calls for additional accidents between the Carroll County line and Route 94 on the interstate and Rescue 1 was diverted to handle those incidents.

Please remember when roads are wet, they could also be icy, bridges freeze before roads do and please give us space. If you see vehicles on the shoulder, emergency or not, please slow down and move over, we want to get home just as much as you do!

Units: RE4 P45 CF4A
Mutual Aid: E131 TWR3 P35 E82 CRES1 CP18

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